The Power of Empathy
Posted on August 11, 2012
What does it take to be a truly empathetic parent? How can empathy impact your relationship with your child and your child's anxiety level? For the answer to these and other questions check out this article that describes how empathy can greatly impact the happiness of a child with anxiety.
Back to School Without the Blues: Helping Children Cope with “First Day” Anxiety
Posted on August 10, 2012
Planning ahead and setting attainable goals can relieve school anxiety in children and set the tone for a positive and productive school year. Looking at family schedules together and getting them involved in the decision-making process helps children take ownership of their school experience and reduces stress as the new year approaches.
Animal-Assisted Therapy for Kids, Teens
Posted on August 10, 2012
Nature can have a soothing effect on a troubled mind, even in today's hectic society. Caring for an animal is one of the simplest ways to relieve excess stress and reduce depressive thoughts. Animal-assisted therapy can be a great way to treat children and adolescents with anxiety disorders. Check out these two recent stories about animal therapy for kids.
The Benefits of Early Diagnosis of OCD
Posted on August 5, 2012
Critics have condemned psychologists and psychiatrists who diagnose children with traditionally 'adult' disorders. But is it really wrong to get people the help they need at an early age? Early diagnosis can prevent a lot of misunderstanding and pain for people who suffer from a mental health condition like OCD.
Creative Treatments for Children with Anxiety
Posted on August 5, 2012
Are you a parent at a loss for how to help your child deal with his or her anxiety? It can be very stressful for a parent with a highly anxious child. How can you help your son or daughter? Where do you even start? First, you may want to try some alternative forms of traditional therapy. Learn about unique treatment options for kids.
Computers Used to Relieve Anxiety in Children
Posted on August 5, 2012
Is there a treatment which works as well for children with anxiety as medication? It seems that there may be one in the near future! New research from the University of Israel may lead to a computer-based treatment for children who suffer from anxiety disorders. Learn more about how the program works.
The Relationship Between Sugar and Childhood Anxiety
Posted on July 30, 2012
Could sugar be a major culprit when it comes to your child's anxiety? Sugar comes in various forms and is not always easy to identify when reading ingredient labels. Learn about the relationship between sugar consumption and anxiety, and what you can do to ensure that your child's diet is not contributing to their struggle with anxiety.
Child-Friendly Tea for Anxiety Relief
Posted on July 30, 2012
Do you enjoy drinking tea to calm your nerves after a long day? Consider sharing this ritual with your child and start by learning which herbal teas are safe for children. For a child with anxiety, specific herbal teas can calm the mind and body and provide a gentle transition into a hectic day, or help them unwind and promote a restful night of sleep.
Common Early Childhood Fears
Posted on July 29, 2012
Does your young son or daughter frantically cry when they see a dog or ask you to repeatedly look under the bed for monsters? If so, you are not alone. Learn about some of the most common early childhood fears and what you can do to help prevent them from turning into full fledged phobias.