Learn What You Can Do TODAY to Help Your Anxious Child With the FREE 7-Part “Fresh Start” Email Series…
When your child struggles with anxiety or fear, it can feel overwhelming, frustrating, and confusing. As a parent, you desperately want to help your child because you KNOW that there’s no reason for them to suffer so much and hold themselves back from having the happy and fun childhood they deserve, but it’s difficult to know what YOU CAN DO to change how they feel inside.
Research has found that children with anxiety can experience social problems and difficulty making friends, damaged self-esteem, poor performance at school, physical illnesses, or depression. Without intervention, their anxiety can grow and spread into virtually all areas of their life and follow them into their teenage years and adulthood. Studies have shown that up to 90% of adults with anxiety disorders suffered with anxiety as a child, and that it can even predispose your child to dangerous behaviors such as cutting or drug and alcohol abuse.
When you subscribe below, you’ll begin receiving the free 7-part Fresh Start email series and a weekly summary of what’s new on the blog that will show you what you can start doing NOW to help your child lead a happier, more confident, and less anxious life.
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In the Fresh Start series, you’ll learn:
- Kid friendly ways to teach your child to quickly relax their body and quiet their mind when they feel anxious or afraid.
- How your child can begin to change the habitual, negative, and anxious thought patterns that are putting unnecessary limits on their life and happiness.
- The small tweaks you can make to what your child eats that research has found can make a big difference in their levels of stress and anxiety.
- Ways to make parenting a child with anxiety MUCH easier and FAR more effective so you can take better care of yourself and be happier too.
- What you can do TONIGHT to help your child sleep better so they wake up rested and ready for the day.
- The “one a day” practice that University of Massachusetts Medical School found can literally change your brain and the way it handles stress, and how you can begin it with your child at home.
- How to help your child actually look forward to going to school.
- What you may be doing now that you THINK is helping, but may actually be making their anxiety WORSE.
- The role teachers and school administrators can play, and what you and your child’s rights are if they’re not doing enough to help.
- How to teach your child to “surf anxiety”, “check their gauges”, pull out their zinnias”, and avoid “misery ships”.
- What “pivot points” are, how to identify them, and why they can be so critical when trying to overcome child anxiety.
- and a lot more.
Designed for Real Changes You Can See in Your Child’s Life…
The Fresh Start series was designed to be ACTIONABLE, with exercises to do and techniques to practice with your child, so it’s not just information, but something that results in real changes you can see in your families life.
Every week you’ll receive an email recap of what’s new and featured on our blog, so you can make sure you always know the most recent research news that may help your child, get great advice from doctors, psychologists, and other parents just like you about how to conquer childhood anxiety disorders, recommendations about resources that you can use to help, and more.
Our philosophy and belief is that your child doesn’t need to change who they are, because they’re already wonderful. All they need is to someone to show them how to do some things things different that are getting in their way and unnecessarily holding them back from all the joy, happiness, and laughter life has to offer. The only goal is to let your child SHINE.
Subscribe below to receive the entire Fresh Start email series completely FREE and get a weekly update from the blog.
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You can unsubscribe at any time with a single click and we’ll never rent, sell, or otherwise share your information.
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