Stranger Anxiety in Babies and Young Children

Does your baby become anxious and clingy when someone they do not know wants to hold or play with them? If so, your baby is demonstrating "stranger anxiety" which is a developmentally normal reaction. Learn a few tips for helping your baby become more comfortable with new people so that everyone feels secure and has fun!

Watch Kids Talk About their Childhood Anxiety

Do you wish that you knew what it was like for someone you love who is living with childhood anxiety? Take a look at this video, in which several children talk about how anxiety affects their day-to-day life. You will hear from children of all ages and will walk away with a better idea of what the inner dialogue of a child with anxiety might sound like.

Dogs Provide Insight Into Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Could our furry and faithful companions help scientists learn a little something about the nature of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? A new study that was conducted at University of Helsinki collected surveys from over 400 dog owners and found a great number of similarities between dogs with compulsive behavior and their human counterparts.

Preparing Children With Anxiety for Harsh Weather

If you live in the eastern United States, it is likely that your family is preparing for the upcoming tropical storm that will soon be arriving from the Gulf of Mexico. It is important to talk to your child with anxiety about what can happen during a storm and make sure that everyone knows the family emergency plan.

Integrated Treatment Helps Children With Both ADHD And Anxiety

Nearly 25% of children with ADHD also suffer from an anxiety disorder, and many of the treatments for these illnesses can exacerbate the other condition. New integrative treatments are helping these children conquer both disorders at the same time.

Nature and Anxiety Series: How Connecting with Nature Improves Mental Health

How much time does your child spend outside on any given day? How much of this is unstructured time when they are free to explore the world around them? Research shows that providing plenty of unstructured time for your child to be surrounded by nature is a wonderful way to treat childhood anxiety and depression.

Child Anxiety Treatment Study: Therapy Plus Zoloft Best

In the treatment of child anxiety disorders, combining the medication Zoloft with Cognitive Behavior Therapy was found by researchers to be the most effective. Neither treatment on its own was effective as both treatments put together. Many children with anxiety disorders only receive one treatment as intervention, so these researchers hope to encourage clinicians to use this dual-treatment approach.

Helicopter Parenting Leads to Anxiety

Children with parents who cater to their every need, even when they are capable of doing things for themselves, are more likely to develop an anxiety disorder later in life. Finding a balance with parenting takes practice and doesn't happen overnight. Children need emotionally available parents that they can count on for support, but they also need room to grow, explore the world, learn from their mistakes, and build confidence.

Modeling the Change You Want to See In Your Child with Anxiety

Did you know that anxiety is largely a learned behavior? By changing the way that you respond to anxiety in front of your child, you may notice a large improvement in your child with anxiety. Read more to learn several tips written for family members who would like to help a child with anxiety.

Reasons to Teach Kids Positive Psychology

What benefits could positive psychology provide for a child with anxiety? The answer to this is different for every child, but the following article points to 7 different reasons for teaching a child how to use positive psychology in their everyday lives (such as a developed sense of control and increased positivity).