Anxiety Relief for Children Dealing with Trauma

Young children are often comforted by a familiar object such as a warm blanket or a stuffed animal. It turns out that these traditional means of comfort may have real benefits for an anxious child's health. Read what law officers in Florida are doing to support the mental well-being of young victims.

Mindfulness or MBSR for Treating Child Anxiety

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness practices have proven themselves highly beneficial for treating anxiety, panic attacks, and more. Learn what it is, the supporting research, and how it can be used to help treat child anxiety.

Brain Scans Predict Outcome of Anxiety Therapy

A breaking study by scientists at MIT reveals the success of therapy in treating social anxiety can be predicted through scans of the brain.

Three Things to Help Prevent Social Rejection

Friends are vital for proper development of a child's social skills. Luckily, there are things parents can do to make sure their child isn't left out.

Making Time to Relax for Children With Anxiety

Children with anxiety need opportunities to actively LEARN to relax. Learn some great ways research shows you can help you anxious child improve their anxiety management skills.

Five Simple Suggestions for Dealing with Separation Anxiety

Have you struggled with getting your child to calm down when you have to go somewhere? If so, there are ways you can make your son or daughter more comfortable and calm. It's perfectly normal for a small child to feel upset when separated from a parent, but it doesn't have to become a major problem in your household. Find out what you can do to lessen the effects of separation anxiety.

Preventing Childhood Stress: School-Related Anxiety

If you're a parent of a child with an anxiety disorder, you may wonder how you can help him or her deal with school problems. Children with conditions such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and generalized anxiety often have trouble concentrating in the classroom. This can hurt the performance of your child, so it's important to recognize issues early on.

How Your Anxiety Can Affect Your Child

As a parent, you probably worry that you may affect your child's progress in therapy. According to research in England, this may be the case! Find out how your presence and your behavior can help or hurt your child's recovery from high anxiety.

Getting Active May Relieve Anxiety, Depression in Kids

With child obesity on the rise, parents are wondering how they can protect their kids from developing unhealthy eating habits that can lead to lasting physical repercussions. But some parents don't realize how obesity affects the brain. Besides potentially hurting their self-esteem, being dangerously overweight can put children at risk for a host of mental health disorders.

Art Therapy Helps Kids Cope after Disaster

Natural disasters can have a major emotional impact on people. For children, the emotional repercussions can be even greater. It's important for kids to learn to deal with their feelings in a healthy way, especially in the wake of a traumatic event. Read how kids in Missouri learned to cope after a tornado.