Child Anxiety Signs, Symptoms, and Struggles: When is it Time to Get Your Child Help?

How can parents know how much anxiety is normal in their children-- and what warrants concern? An understanding of the different types of anxiety disorders and their symptoms will help parents recognize when it's time to seek help for their anxious child.

Using Guided Imagery and Meditation to Help Child Anxiety

Vacations can soothe the body, mind and soul, and meditation-based guided imagery can give you and your anxious child an instant vacation with lasting benefits. Read on to learn more!

Teaching Your Anxious Child to Calm Themselves with Their Breath

Diaphragmatic breathing, also called "belly breathing," is not some strange or foreign concept. It's the natural way our bodies were meant to breathe and it can do wonders to help your anxious child calm down and eradicate stress. Read more to find out about this awesome tool.

How to Help Your Anxious Kid Have a Happy Valentine’s Day

Making holidays special can make an anxious child's life special. And what better way to do it by showing loads of love on Valentine's Day. Check out six tips to get you started.

How a Bell Can Help Your Anxious Child’s Mindfulness Practice

Anxious children can have a tough time practicing mindfulness, but you can help them out if you introduce a bell into the practice. Check out tips for selecting and using a bell that works for you.

How to Help Your Anxious Child Create a Mindfulness Sanctuary

Your anxious children can have one more reason to embrace a mindfulness practice if you help them set up a special mindfulness sanctuary. Read on to find out how.

Is Your Child Anxious Because They’re Gifted?

Gifted children tend to share a number of common characterisitcs, such as sensitivity, intensity, asynchroncity in development, a concern with fairness, and high expectations for others and themselves. While these traits form an essential part of a gifted child's personality, they may also lead to an increased risk for anxiety.

Meditation Myths that Can Hinder You and Your Anxious Child

You've heard meditation can bring extreme benefits for you and your anxious child, but you've also heard dozens of myths that make it seem impossible. Stop believing them and start reaping the benefits with help from this post!

What Sugar and Caffeine Really Do to Your Anxious Child’s Brain

You know your child well enough to be able to detect and ward off many potential triggers for anxiety attacks. Sometimes, though, your child may seem more anxious than usual without any obvious cause. Sugar and caffeine are likely culprits. This article explains how sugar and caffeine can be anxiety-provoking, and how you can help your child limit them.

How to Deal with Your Anxious Child’s Temper Tantrums

Whether it's about a toy or stems from lack of sleep, your anxious child will sooner or later throw a temper tantrum. Read up on useful tips for diffusing it and what you should never do if your child acts up.