Kids with Anxiety Disorders More Likely to Do Drugs?

Adults who have social anxiety disorder know how difficult the condition is to overcome. They also know how social anxiety can make easy interaction with others seem like an impossible dream. So how does a child or teen deal with these feelings?

Tips for Preventing Depression, Anxiety in Kids

Would you consider yourself a parent who gives your child many freedoms? Or are you more likely to be strict and highly watchful of your child? The best approach for parenting may depend on your child's personality. Read more about this idea here.

Separation Anxiety and Panic Disorder: What’s the Connection?

Science shows that kids who have separation anxiety and adults who have panic attacks might have the same genetic quirk. Experts don't know yet if anxiety disorders are caused by environmental factors or heredity, but someone who has a genetic vulnerability may be at an increased risk for developing separation anxiety as a child or panic disorder as an adult.

Encouraging Your Anxious Child to Get Involved

It can be frightening for a child to try new things. New foods, new places, and new people are all intimidating to a child, especially a young child or a highly anxious child. Some caution is always good, but a kid who's afraid to be a kid will miss out on a lot of fun experiences. Here's how to get your kid to put aside the fear and try new things.

TV Viewing May Have an Effect on Kids’ Sleep

It can be difficult to find appropriate television shows for your child to watch. Many programs on TV today are full of violence, gore and swearing. Unfortunately, a child's mind is likely to latch on to the more unsavory details in a show. How can this affect your son or daughter's health? Read about it here!

Handling Your Child’s Fears: What Specialists Recommend

All children are afraid of something. As a parent, you want to make sure that your child is dealing with his or her fears in a healthy way. It can be tempting to simply tell your son or daughter that monsters aren't real, but it can be a hard truth for a child to accept. Read what you can do to help your child through fear and anxiety.

The Effects of PTSD on a Child

Most people tend to think of PTSD as an "adult" mental health disorder. Sadly, children can also suffer from this debilitating condition. Children and adults with PTSD share many of the same symptoms, but there are some unique ways the condition can affect a young person.

Driving Tired as Dangerous as Driving Drunk for Teens

Getting adequate sleep is crucial for growing teens and even young adults. The effects of sleep deprivation on a developing mind and body are well known. What many people don't realize is how much insufficient sleep can affect reaction times for a teen driver. Read more to learn how driving while sleepy is putting your teen at risk.

How to Find Treatment Options in Your Area

One of the most difficult steps when trying to find help for your anxious child or teen is deciding where to go. How do you know who to trust? And how can you make sure your child is getting the best care possible? By doing some research in advance, you can ensure your child will have a chance to enjoy a healthier life.

Preventing School-Related Stress and Anxiety

Parents know how nerve-wracking the school year can be for themselves and for their children. Some children feel overwhelmed by test anxiety. Younger students may be worried about being separated from parents, and teenagers find themselves stressing out over their social life and thoughts of the future. Parents can save themselves and their kids a lot of anxiety by making some simple changes.