Tips for Preventing Depression, Anxiety in Kids

Many researchers have discussed the effects of parenting style on one’s well-being in the present and in the future. In fact, most people will immediately look to the parents and how someone was reared when trying to find an explanation for unusual behaviors in an adult.

While it is true that the way one is raised can shape one’s beliefs and one’s way of thinking, most people would agree that an individual’s unique personality is equally important in future life choices.

So how does parenting style affect one’s mental and emotional well-being? According to a study on child psychology, the way one responds to the needs of one’s child can have quite an impact on the child’s mental health.

The study shows that the amount of control a parent gives to his or her child can affect levels of anxiety and depression in the child. Too much control can be stifling, while too little control can be overwhelming for a child.

In order to tailor one’s parenting style to suit a child’s unique needs, one must have an understanding of the child’s level of self-control. The researchers say that a child who has high self-control (“greater effortful control”) should be given more freedom to “regulate [his or her] own emotions and actions.” A child with less self-control (“low effortful control”) needs more guidance from parents to know how to respond appropriately to certain situations.

Essentially, the study says, a balanced approach with some interference from parents and some freedom is best for preventing anxiety and depression in children. The key is to know what one’s child is capable of handling and to adjust one’s parenting style accordingly.

To find out more about parenting styles and how they were studied, you can visit the site below.

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