Why Timeouts Can Backfire for Anxious Children

Sending an anxious child into a timeout is essentially sending an anxious child into isolation. And isolation is not a good thing when emotions run high and misbehavior runs rampant.

How Parents’ Anxiety Makes Children Picky Eaters

Anxiety and depression in parents can have an impact on how picky their children are about food. Check out a study that found a link.

How to Help Anxious Children Cope with the Holiday Season

The holidays can be a time of laughter, parties, joy, goodies -- and increased anxiety for your already anxious child. Check out some tips to help them cope.

How Selective Mutism Can Affect Anxious Children

Certain situations can be scary enough for anxious children that the children are unable to speak. Read on for more on the condition known as selective mutism.

When Picky Eating Can Indicate Anxiety, Depression or ADHD

Picky eating in children could be just a phase, or it could be a sign of underlying issues such as anxiety, depression or ADHD. Read on to find out what the latest research says about this common childhood habit.

Separation Anxiety: What’s Normal and What’s a Problem?

Separation anxiety is part of growing up, although it can also become something your child does not outgrow. Learn more about the disorder.

5 Awesome Gifts for Children with Anxiety

The best gifts for your anxious children aren't necessarily the shiniest or most expensive. They're gifts you give from the heart. Check out five that fit the bill.

How to Help Your Anxious Child Enjoy the Holidays

Anxious children can become even more stressed-out during the holidays. Here's how to

How to Help Your Anxious Child with Digital Addiction

If your anxious child has fallen victim to digital addiction, intervention may be wise. Check out tips for the recommended 72-hour digital detox.

Is Your Anxious Child Addicted to His iPad?

As with anything else that can create an obsession, compulsion and crowd out everything else in a person's life, anxious children can indeed become addicted to technology. Check out the warning signs.