5 Awesome Gifts for Children with Anxiety


The best gifts aren’t always the shiniest toys or the most expensive gadgets, especially when it comes to gifts for children with anxiety. With help from Tiny Buddha and Psychology Today, we put together a list of five meaningful gifts that can help reduce anxiety, increase happiness and even elicit a litany of laughs. And you can’t buy these goodies in any store.

Appreciation Poster, Book or Poem

A handmade item created specifically for your anxious child automatically gives the gift of love. This counts triple if the handmade item showcases everything you appreciate about your child.

Try an appreciation poster that features a collage of all your child’s attributes and strengths. Write and illustrate a short book or story that tells a tale of how your child’s best qualities get him or her ahead in life. Pen an appreciation poem that touches on your child’s unique traits and how wonderful they are to you and the rest of the world.


Turn an occasional walk in the woods or trek through the park into an ongoing, weekly outing. Other ways to exposure your anxious child to the soothing delights of nature is with a camping trip, bicycle rides, building a birdhouse or feeding the wildlife. You can even dedicate a special place in the yard reserved for your child’s own gardening.


Like nature, music has the power to soothe. Try to incorporate the joy of music into your daily lives. Try musical meditations to calm stress. Put on lively tunes and get dancing to perk up a lazy afternoon. Flip on relaxing tunes near bedtime. You may also want to consider music lessons if your child is old enough and shows in an interest in learning to play a specific instrument.

Enthusiasm and Optimism

These two gifts go together, and one way to give them is to display them yourself. Enthusiasm comes from honestly be interested and excited in what you’re doing. And if you find you’re faking it, why not work on filling your weekly routine with activities that excite you. Share your enthusiasm with your anxious child, asking what types of activities create the same excitement for him or her. Then regularly engage in activities that enthuse you both.

Optimism involves having a positive outlook for the long haul, and yours can start by being optimistic about all those exciting activities on your schedule. You can also talk with your child about things he or she is hoping to accomplish in the upcoming year. Then help build confidence and set a game plan to increase his or her chances of success.

Quality Time

Setting aside special time to spend with your anxious child is a must, especially during the hurly-burly holiday season. Schedule quiet time for the two of you where you can sit back, relax and recharge, absorbing the joy of the moment.

These five gifts can make terrific additions to whatever is already under the tree. And you can feel free to give them all year round.


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