Five Simple Suggestions for Dealing with Separation Anxiety
Posted on September 19, 2012
Have you struggled with getting your child to calm down when you have to go somewhere? If so, there are ways you can make your son or daughter more comfortable and calm. It's perfectly normal for a small child to feel upset when separated from a parent, but it doesn't have to become a major problem in your household. Find out what you can do to lessen the effects of separation anxiety.
Art Therapy Helps Kids Cope after Disaster
Posted on September 4, 2012
Natural disasters can have a major emotional impact on people. For children, the emotional repercussions can be even greater. It's important for kids to learn to deal with their feelings in a healthy way, especially in the wake of a traumatic event. Read how kids in Missouri learned to cope after a tornado.
Preparing Children With Anxiety for Harsh Weather
Posted on August 27, 2012
If you live in the eastern United States, it is likely that your family is preparing for the upcoming tropical storm that will soon be arriving from the Gulf of Mexico. It is important to talk to your child with anxiety about what can happen during a storm and make sure that everyone knows the family emergency plan.
Making Time to Talk: The Importance of One-on-One Time
Posted on August 25, 2012
Would you like to carve out some more alone time to spend with each of your children but are not sure how to fit it into your busy schedule? Check out the following article that outlines the importance of one-on-one time with children and provides a few tips for getting started.
Helicopter Parenting Leads to Anxiety
Posted on August 24, 2012
Children with parents who cater to their every need, even when they are capable of doing things for themselves, are more likely to develop an anxiety disorder later in life. Finding a balance with parenting takes practice and doesn't happen overnight. Children need emotionally available parents that they can count on for support, but they also need room to grow, explore the world, learn from their mistakes, and build confidence.
Modeling the Change You Want to See In Your Child with Anxiety
Posted on August 24, 2012
Did you know that anxiety is largely a learned behavior? By changing the way that you respond to anxiety in front of your child, you may notice a large improvement in your child with anxiety. Read more to learn several tips written for family members who would like to help a child with anxiety.