The Parents Guide to Helping Anxious Children Cope With Anger and Frustration

Anger and frustration are part of life, but they can be particularly common for anxious children. Teaching your child to cope with anger and frustration is possible if you understand what's happening and check out several suggestions for success. Read on!

The Parents Guide to Night Terrors

Night terrors are fairly rare, but you'll certainly know if your anxious child suffers from them. Read to learn more about this seemingly scary condition and what you can do to help stop and prevent it.

Help Anxious Kids Get Emotional with Two Books by Psychologist Mary Lamia

Children have just as many as emotions as adults, and they may even be more confused as to where those feelings come from or what they mean. Mary Lamia's two books help children learn how to deal with and use emotions to their advantage. Check them out!

The Parents Guide to Picking a Therapist for Your Anxious Child

Choosing a therapist for yourself can be tough, which means it can be even tougher to choose one for your anxious child. Our Parents Guide to Picking a Therapist for Your Anxious Child has got you covered!

Teach Anxious Children Self-Confidence with ‘Being Me’

Self-confidence doesn't have to be an elusive thing for your anxious child. Wendy L. Moss's book "Being Me" gives kids tips, tricks and info for building up their confidence today!

The Parents Guide to ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, may not have a cure, but it does have various treatment options. Read on to learn more about the treatments, symptoms and myths of ADHD along with ways parents can help their anxious children cope with the disorder.

What TV Violence Does to Your Anxious Child’s Brain

By the time your anxious child hits age 18, he or she will have been exposed to an estimated 200,000 acts of violence on TV. Ever wonder what all that violence may be doing to your anxious child's brain? Read more to find out.

The Power of Yoga for Helping Children with Anxiety

Yoga hasn't been kicking around for thousands of years for no reason. It's benefits extend to every age, background and fitness level and it can be particularly soothing for anxious children. Learn how to get started with yoga for your anxious child today.

How Gaming Affects Your Anxious Child’s Brain

Gaming is a way of life for some kids, but that way of life can be a horrible one for your anxious child unless you're fully aware of gaming's negative effects and how you can turn all that negative into positive. Read on to learn more.

6 Ways Science Shows Nutrition Can Help Child Anxiety

Groundbreaking research proves that what children with anxiety eat impacts their ability to cope with stress in a positive way. Learn 6 ways science shows nutrition can help child anxiety.