Five Simple Suggestions for Dealing with Separation Anxiety

Have you struggled with getting your child to calm down when you have to go somewhere? If so, there are ways you can make your son or daughter more comfortable and calm. It's perfectly normal for a small child to feel upset when separated from a parent, but it doesn't have to become a major problem in your household. Find out what you can do to lessen the effects of separation anxiety.

Preventing Childhood Stress: School-Related Anxiety

If you're a parent of a child with an anxiety disorder, you may wonder how you can help him or her deal with school problems. Children with conditions such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and generalized anxiety often have trouble concentrating in the classroom. This can hurt the performance of your child, so it's important to recognize issues early on.

How Your Anxiety Can Affect Your Child

As a parent, you probably worry that you may affect your child's progress in therapy. According to research in England, this may be the case! Find out how your presence and your behavior can help or hurt your child's recovery from high anxiety.

Getting Active May Relieve Anxiety, Depression in Kids

With child obesity on the rise, parents are wondering how they can protect their kids from developing unhealthy eating habits that can lead to lasting physical repercussions. But some parents don't realize how obesity affects the brain. Besides potentially hurting their self-esteem, being dangerously overweight can put children at risk for a host of mental health disorders.

Art Therapy Helps Kids Cope after Disaster

Natural disasters can have a major emotional impact on people. For children, the emotional repercussions can be even greater. It's important for kids to learn to deal with their feelings in a healthy way, especially in the wake of a traumatic event. Read how kids in Missouri learned to cope after a tornado.

Stranger Anxiety in Babies and Young Children

Does your baby become anxious and clingy when someone they do not know wants to hold or play with them? If so, your baby is demonstrating "stranger anxiety" which is a developmentally normal reaction. Learn a few tips for helping your baby become more comfortable with new people so that everyone feels secure and has fun!

Watch Kids Talk About their Childhood Anxiety

Do you wish that you knew what it was like for someone you love who is living with childhood anxiety? Take a look at this video, in which several children talk about how anxiety affects their day-to-day life. You will hear from children of all ages and will walk away with a better idea of what the inner dialogue of a child with anxiety might sound like.

Dogs Provide Insight Into Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Could our furry and faithful companions help scientists learn a little something about the nature of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? A new study that was conducted at University of Helsinki collected surveys from over 400 dog owners and found a great number of similarities between dogs with compulsive behavior and their human counterparts.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Children – The Signs and Symptoms

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a general, chronic feeling of excessive worry, and children with the disorder show many signs and symptoms. These can be recognized by parents and physicians, so that the children can receive proper treatment.

Preparing Children With Anxiety for Harsh Weather

If you live in the eastern United States, it is likely that your family is preparing for the upcoming tropical storm that will soon be arriving from the Gulf of Mexico. It is important to talk to your child with anxiety about what can happen during a storm and make sure that everyone knows the family emergency plan.