Heavy Marijuana Use During Teenage Years is Tied to Anxiety
Posted on August 12, 2012
A new study found that marijuana use on a regular basis during the teenage years has been tied to an increased likelihood of being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder as an adult. The 2000 participants in the study were interviewed frequently during a 13-year period. Read more about this landmark study here!
Overcoming Math Anxiety – Tips And Advice
Posted on August 12, 2012
Children and adults both can suffer from math anxiety. It can make a child's life very difficult in school. Learning tips and tricks to cope with this anxiety can help them learn to work through the anxiety and even learn to enjoy math. Math doesn't need to be scary.
Family Therapy – A Dynamic Approach
Posted on August 11, 2012
Family therapy is one tool used in the treatment of child anxiety disorders. Families are the most important people in a child's life, and they can provide a huge support to any child struggling with a mental illness. A therapist can discover if a family's dynamic is functional or not and help the family cope with the child's illness.
The Power of Empathy
Posted on August 11, 2012
What does it take to be a truly empathetic parent? How can empathy impact your relationship with your child and your child's anxiety level? For the answer to these and other questions check out this article that describes how empathy can greatly impact the happiness of a child with anxiety.
How Bullying Affects Mental Health in Children, Teens
Posted on August 10, 2012
Bullying is not a new problem, but we now know how harmful it can be to the self-esteem of a child or teenager. For many kids, school and the Internet have become sources of fear and humiliation. It isn't fair to expect a child or a teen to handle excessive bullying on his or her own. Read how being bullied can have long-lasting effects.
Back to School Without the Blues: Helping Children Cope with “First Day” Anxiety
Posted on August 10, 2012
Planning ahead and setting attainable goals can relieve school anxiety in children and set the tone for a positive and productive school year. Looking at family schedules together and getting them involved in the decision-making process helps children take ownership of their school experience and reduces stress as the new year approaches.