Separation Anxiety: What’s Normal and What’s a Problem?
Posted on May 26, 2015
Separation anxiety is part of growing up, although it can also become something your child does not outgrow. Learn more about the disorder.
Identifying Risk Factors for Panic Attacks in Teens
Posted on October 4, 2013
For most people, being a teenager is a challenge in and of itself. Having to worry about panic attacks in addition to the emotional and physical changes of adolescence can be overwhelming for a young person. In this article, we will explore the traits which predispose certain teens to panic attacks later in life.
Does Your Child Have Separation Anxiety?
Posted on August 30, 2013
Every child goes through phases, but it isn't always easy to know when your son or daughter is experiencing something that may be harmful to his or her well-being. Do you know how to tell the difference between first-day-of-school jitters and genuine anxiety?