How to Calm an Anxious Child who Has a Big, Fat Holiday Gift List
Posted on December 14, 2012
Once upon a time, the holidays had a deeper meaning than how many gifts were beneath the tree. Read how you can recapture that magic for your family and decrease your child's anxiety regarding how many or what kind of gifts he's getting.
Separation Anxiety and Panic Disorder: What’s the Connection?
Posted on November 5, 2012
Science shows that kids who have separation anxiety and adults who have panic attacks might have the same genetic quirk. Experts don't know yet if anxiety disorders are caused by environmental factors or heredity, but someone who has a genetic vulnerability may be at an increased risk for developing separation anxiety as a child or panic disorder as an adult.
Encouraging Your Anxious Child to Get Involved
Posted on November 2, 2012
It can be frightening for a child to try new things. New foods, new places, and new people are all intimidating to a child, especially a young child or a highly anxious child. Some caution is always good, but a kid who's afraid to be a kid will miss out on a lot of fun experiences. Here's how to get your kid to put aside the fear and try new things.
Handling Your Child’s Fears: What Specialists Recommend
Posted on October 27, 2012
All children are afraid of something. As a parent, you want to make sure that your child is dealing with his or her fears in a healthy way. It can be tempting to simply tell your son or daughter that monsters aren't real, but it can be a hard truth for a child to accept. Read what you can do to help your child through fear and anxiety.
Flipping Ambition: Helping Your Child Achieve More by Effectively Slacking Off (Part 5 of 5)
Posted on October 23, 2012
If your child is struggling with anxiety, they likely have far more potential and inner strength than you realize, you just need to learn how to help them take advantage of it and soar to new heights! Part five of the five-part child anxiety parenting series "Flipping Ambition".
Flipping Ambition: Helping Your Child Achieve More by Effectively Slacking Off (Part 4 of 5)
Posted on October 22, 2012
Learn how your child may be getting "tricked" into a stress response and what you can do about it. We'll also show you how to spot what we call "pivot points" in your child's life and why they're so important, especially if they're experiencing anxiety, fears, or phobias. Part four of the five-part child anxiety parenting series "Flipping Ambition".
Flipping Ambition: Helping Your Child Achieve More by Effectively Slacking Off (Part 3 of 5)
Posted on October 21, 2012
Well intended parents often unknowingly encourage mediocrity and failure while trying to help their children overcome their anxiety disorder. Learn what mistakes you may be making and what you can do instead that will let you child reach their potential. Part three of the five-part child anxiety parenting series "Flipping Ambition".
Flipping Ambition: Helping Your Child Achieve More by Effectively Slacking Off (Part 2 of 5)
Posted on October 20, 2012
Learn why parents of anxious children need to be careful not to "overstuff the garden". Find out what you need to know and steps to take to help your child TODAY. Part two of the five-part child anxiety parenting series "Flipping Ambition".