How to Deflate Your Child’s Anxiety with a Single Question

Anxious children know the power anxious thoughts can have over them. But this single question can be just as powerful for stopping those thoughts in their tracks.

Cyberbullying Linked to Depression, Alcohol Abuse

Cyberbullying doesn't stop when your anxious child hits college, nor does its detrimental effects. Check out two studies that examined cyberbullying at the college level.

Yet More Reasons to Teach Your Anxious Child Mindfulness

We've long touted the benefits of mindfulness for anxious children, and here come yet more reasons to incorporate a regular mindfulness practice into you and your child's lives.

5 Awesome Gifts for Children with Anxiety

The best gifts for your anxious children aren't necessarily the shiniest or most expensive. They're gifts you give from the heart. Check out five that fit the bill.

How to Help Your Anxious Child Enjoy the Holidays

Anxious children can become even more stressed-out during the holidays. Here's how to

Why Your Anxious Child May Think School’s a Drag

Remember back in kindergarten when your anxious child thought school was cool? Find out what happened to change that, and how you can make learning fun again.

How the Effects of Childhood Bullying Can Linger into Adulthood

Even if bullying stops once your anxious child hits adulthood, the effects of the bullying can linger for years, resulting in mental and physical health issues.

Go Out and Play: Benefits of Physical Activity for Anxious Children

Summertime's lazy days can take a huge toll on your anxious child's mental health. Get them moving and you may see their anxiety improving!

How to Promote Positive Behavior in Anxious Children

Anxious children may have a challenging time developing a strong sense of self, and how your respond to their positive behaviors can promote that development - or not. Check out helpful dos and don'ts.

Help for Anxious Children with OCD: Ten Turtles on Tuesday

Millions of people suffer from OCD, with symptoms often showing up in childhood. Help your child cope with a new book by school psychologist Ellen Flanagan Burns that tells the story of a girl who overcame her obsessions and compulsions.