How Can Mindfulness Therapy Help Anxious Children?
Posted on August 5, 2012
A creative technique called "mindfulness therapy" may be able to help your anxious child to unwind. So what makes mindfulness therapy appropriate for children? And how does it work? If you want to know the answer to these questions and more, you can read more about the use of mindfulness therapy here.
Tips for Easing Your Child’s Separation Anxiety
Posted on August 5, 2012
When your child has separation anxiety, saying goodbye can involve a lot of tears and guilt. You may think this is just a phase you have to deal with, but there are ways you can help your child through the difficult period. Read some basic things you can do to prepare your anxious child for your absence.
Computers Used to Relieve Anxiety in Children
Posted on August 5, 2012
Is there a treatment which works as well for children with anxiety as medication? It seems that there may be one in the near future! New research from the University of Israel may lead to a computer-based treatment for children who suffer from anxiety disorders. Learn more about how the program works.
Girls Are More Susceptible to Math Anxiety
Posted on July 25, 2012
Does math anxiety in children affect one gender more than the other? A new study conducted at Cambridge University suggests that females are more susceptible to a drop in performance due to anxiety. Working to combat math anxiety early on might be a key component of increasing the number of women that pursue math or science related careers.