Sleep and It’s Impact on Childhood Anxiety
Posted on August 19, 2012
Is your anxious child getting enough sleep? Children need more sleep than adults do and sleep deprivation is extremely likely to increase a child's anxiety symptoms. Check out this article to learn how much sleep your child should be getting, and what effects sleep deprivation has on a child's mind and body.
Does Your Child Have Haircut Anxiety?
Posted on August 17, 2012
It is completely normal for children to experience a bit of anxiety when someone is cutting their hair. After all, the fact that it does not hurt to cut hair off of someone's head is a difficult concept to comprehend. Learn how one mother gently eased her child into the routine of getting his haircut.
Tips for Handling a Child’s Fear of Bugs
Posted on August 17, 2012
Helping your child overcome their phobia of bugs may be as simple as sitting down together with your child and reading a few books from your local library. In this article, tips are given for helping a child overcome a fear of bugs. In addition to reading, the author recommends playing games that focus on bug identification.
Fear or Phobia?
Posted on August 17, 2012
Kristen Davis, Psychologist, explains how to tell the difference between a normal childhood fear and a phobia. A phobia can greatly affect your child's level of happiness and their ability to enjoy daily activities. If your child is showing signs of a phobia, early recognition can be extremely important for recovery.
Heavy Marijuana Use During Teenage Years is Tied to Anxiety
Posted on August 12, 2012
A new study found that marijuana use on a regular basis during the teenage years has been tied to an increased likelihood of being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder as an adult. The 2000 participants in the study were interviewed frequently during a 13-year period. Read more about this landmark study here!
Family Therapy – A Dynamic Approach
Posted on August 11, 2012
Family therapy is one tool used in the treatment of child anxiety disorders. Families are the most important people in a child's life, and they can provide a huge support to any child struggling with a mental illness. A therapist can discover if a family's dynamic is functional or not and help the family cope with the child's illness.