Child-Friendly Tea for Anxiety Relief
Posted on July 30, 2012
Do you enjoy drinking tea to calm your nerves after a long day? Consider sharing this ritual with your child and start by learning which herbal teas are safe for children. For a child with anxiety, specific herbal teas can calm the mind and body and provide a gentle transition into a hectic day, or help them unwind and promote a restful night of sleep.
Common Early Childhood Fears
Posted on July 29, 2012
Does your young son or daughter frantically cry when they see a dog or ask you to repeatedly look under the bed for monsters? If so, you are not alone. Learn about some of the most common early childhood fears and what you can do to help prevent them from turning into full fledged phobias.
Talking to Children About Tragic Events
Posted on July 28, 2012
Unsure of how to speak with your children about the shooting that occurred last week? You are not alone. It is very difficult to find the words to express to children, especially children with anxiety, exactly what happened and why when it comes to tragic events. Hopefully one of these resources will offer an approach that works for your family.
How a Parent’s Stress Level Affects Their Child
Posted on July 28, 2012
A calm home can provide measurable benefits when it comes to a child's grown and development. A parent's stress and anxiety level (beginning during pregnancy), and how the parent handles said stress, affects a child very deeply. Over-scheduling a child, and parents taking on unnecessary responsibilities, can often do more harm than good and contribute to anxiety in children.
Dental Filling Ingredients May Increase Childhood Anxiety and Depression
Posted on July 28, 2012
A certain kind of dental filling may put your child at an increased risk of developing childhood anxiety and depression. A study funded by NIH monitored, for five years, the psychosocial well-being of children receiving various dental fillings. Children who received plastic composite fillings, containing BPA, were more likely to demonstrate psychological problems.
Girls Are More Susceptible to Math Anxiety
Posted on July 25, 2012
Does math anxiety in children affect one gender more than the other? A new study conducted at Cambridge University suggests that females are more susceptible to a drop in performance due to anxiety. Working to combat math anxiety early on might be a key component of increasing the number of women that pursue math or science related careers.
Calming Bedtime Routines for Children With Anxiety
Posted on July 24, 2012
Is "bedtime" a word that invokes feelings of anxiety for everyone in your house? If your child has a difficult time winding down after a long day, you might consider changing the way that you approach bedtime. After a few simple changes you might find that you and your child really look forward to what used to be the hardest time of the day.