Separation Anxiety and Panic Disorder: What’s the Connection?
Posted on November 5, 2012
Science shows that kids who have separation anxiety and adults who have panic attacks might have the same genetic quirk. Experts don't know yet if anxiety disorders are caused by environmental factors or heredity, but someone who has a genetic vulnerability may be at an increased risk for developing separation anxiety as a child or panic disorder as an adult.
Panic Attacks In Children – Signs and Symptoms
Posted on August 25, 2012
Children suffering from panic attacks will feel an increased heart rate, shortness of breath, dizziness, and a feeling like they are out of control or losing their minds. It's a scary thing to witness for any parent, and especially scary for a child who must suffer through it. Panic disorder in children is very treatable with proper diagnosis.
Tips for Handling a Child’s Fear of Bugs
Posted on August 17, 2012
Helping your child overcome their phobia of bugs may be as simple as sitting down together with your child and reading a few books from your local library. In this article, tips are given for helping a child overcome a fear of bugs. In addition to reading, the author recommends playing games that focus on bug identification.