How Selective Mutism Can Affect Anxious Children

Certain situations can be scary enough for anxious children that the children are unable to speak. Read on for more on the condition known as selective mutism.

When Picky Eating Can Indicate Anxiety, Depression or ADHD

Picky eating in children could be just a phase, or it could be a sign of underlying issues such as anxiety, depression or ADHD. Read on to find out what the latest research says about this common childhood habit.

Separation Anxiety: What’s Normal and What’s a Problem?

Separation anxiety is part of growing up, although it can also become something your child does not outgrow. Learn more about the disorder.

How You May be Passing Anxiety on to Your Children

Anxiety is contagious? You bet. A study showed anxious parents can end up with anxious children from environmental factors alone.

How to Deflate Your Child’s Anxiety with a Single Question

Anxious children know the power anxious thoughts can have over them. But this single question can be just as powerful for stopping those thoughts in their tracks.

How to Help Your Anxious Child Enjoy the Holidays

Anxious children can become even more stressed-out during the holidays. Here's how to

Why Your Anxious Child Needs Love, Love and More Love

Loving your anxious child probably comes naturally, and the more love you provide the better your child's emotional development can be. Read on for more!

How to Foster Curiosity in Anxious Children

Anxious children can be too fearful to exhibit much curiosity, but there are ways you can help them explore and embrace the world.

Go Out and Play: Benefits of Physical Activity for Anxious Children

Summertime's lazy days can take a huge toll on your anxious child's mental health. Get them moving and you may see their anxiety improving!

Help for Anxious Children with OCD: Ten Turtles on Tuesday

Millions of people suffer from OCD, with symptoms often showing up in childhood. Help your child cope with a new book by school psychologist Ellen Flanagan Burns that tells the story of a girl who overcame her obsessions and compulsions.