Traditional forms of therapy for anxiety disorders aren’t always suited for children. Younger children, especially, may benefit from less restrictive methods.
Art therapy is one form of treatment that is considered particularly effective for children. There is no pressure being put on the child and he or she is given a way to freely express emotion.
Art therapy can help children with a variety of anxiety disorders including school anxiety, separation anxiety, and selective mutism.
Art therapy can also be used for children who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It helps to soothe the child and provide a safe outlet for energy. It also provides the child with something on which to concentrate.
Parents of an anxious child may also want to look into dance therapy and music therapy, both of which are fun, pleasant options. These forms of therapy also work well for teenagers.
Art Therapy helps young and old feel better about themselves – Memphis Commercial Appeal
Art Therapy helps young and old feel better about themselvesMemphis Commercial AppealMemphis Brooks Museum art therapist Karen Peacock works with elderly patients as well as youngsters, to experience the healing power of art. The Brooks was awarded a …