Yoga Reduces Anxiety in Teenagers

Practicing yoga regularly is statistically proven to reduce anxiety in teenagers. If your teenager needs a new way to unwind after a long and difficult day, consider introducing them to yoga. Participating in yoga with your child can provide a wonderful way to strengthen the bond between the two of you.

15 Minute Yoga Routines for Young Children

Yoga can offer tremendous benefits for anyone with childhood anxiety, but unfortunately young children are not always interested in participating in traditional yoga. Cosmic Kids has developed a series of short 15-minute yoga videos designed to capture a young child's imagination and introduce them to the world of yoga using an approach that they are sure to be excited about!

The Relationship Between Sugar and Childhood Anxiety

Could sugar be a major culprit when it comes to your child's anxiety? Sugar comes in various forms and is not always easy to identify when reading ingredient labels. Learn about the relationship between sugar consumption and anxiety, and what you can do to ensure that your child's diet is not contributing to their struggle with anxiety.

Child-Friendly Tea for Anxiety Relief

Do you enjoy drinking tea to calm your nerves after a long day? Consider sharing this ritual with your child and start by learning which herbal teas are safe for children. For a child with anxiety, specific herbal teas can calm the mind and body and provide a gentle transition into a hectic day, or help them unwind and promote a restful night of sleep.

Talking to Children About Tragic Events

Unsure of how to speak with your children about the shooting that occurred last week? You are not alone. It is very difficult to find the words to express to children, especially children with anxiety, exactly what happened and why when it comes to tragic events. Hopefully one of these resources will offer an approach that works for your family.

Supportive Mothers Enhance Brain Development

In a new study, MRI scans reveal that children are able to cope better with stress, and therefore are less likely to develop a childhood anxiety disorder, if they have been raised by mothers who offer reassurance and support (versus punishment or dismissal of feelings) during times of frustration. The study followed 92 children through their early childhood years.

Calming Bedtime Routines for Children With Anxiety

Is "bedtime" a word that invokes feelings of anxiety for everyone in your house? If your child has a difficult time winding down after a long day, you might consider changing the way that you approach bedtime. After a few simple changes you might find that you and your child really look forward to what used to be the hardest time of the day.