How Social Isolation Can Increase Anxiety, Depression in Children
Posted on June 3, 2020
Social isolation from lockdown situations can have a lasting impact on your anxious child, increasing the risk of depression. Get the details from a new study and what you can do to help.
Why Children with Cats Have More Mental Health Issues
Posted on March 29, 2018
Cats can make terrific pets, although a study reported that children with cats have more mental health issues than those without cats. Read on for more.
Why Teen Anxiety is Skyrocketing
Posted on October 31, 2017
Teens have always felt some levels of anxiety, but numbers for anxious teens has been on the rise over the last several years.
Can Praise Backfire for Your Anxious Child?
Posted on September 30, 2017
Praise is a good thing, as long as you word it in such a way that it doesn't backfire for your anxious child.
Can Your Anxious Child’s Friends Impact Fear and Anxiety?
Posted on January 30, 2017
A study looked at how much influence children’s friends have on fear and anxiety. Parents definitely want to check this out to see what the study had to say.
How an Anxious Child’s Lack of Sleep Now Leads to Depression Later
Posted on July 25, 2016
Your anxious child may get cranky and uncontrollable without enough sleep, but even bigger problems, like depression, can be waiting down the line if insufficient sleep becomes an ongoing habit.
Why You Don’t Want to Spank Your Anxious Child
Posted on May 12, 2016
Spanking has sparked debate for years, yet a new study may be the end-all to put the debate to rest. Read on to find out what it says.