Home Schooling vs. Traditional School for Children with Anxiety and ADHD
Posted on August 6, 2013
Ever wonder if home schooling may be a much better fit for your child than the daily anxiety fest of heading off to the classroom? Here are some things to think about to help you make up your mind.
Filed Under: ADHD, Child Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Featured, Other Childhood Anxiety Disorders, Parenting Anxious Children, School Anxiety and School Refusal, Separation Anxiety, Social Anxiety Tagged With: ADHD, adolescents and teens, anxiety disorders, child anxiety, GAD, life skills, medication, parenting, School, separation anxiety, social anxiety, stress management
The Parents Guide to Night Terrors
Posted on April 10, 2013

Filed Under: Child Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Featured, Parenting Anxious Children Tagged With: adolescents and teens, child anxiety, medication, parenting, sleep and bedtime, social anxiety, stress management, therapy and treatment, toddlers
The Parents Guide to ADHD
Posted on March 21, 2013

Filed Under: ADHD, Featured, Other Childhood Anxiety Disorders, Parenting Anxious Children Tagged With: ADHD, adolescents and teens, child anxiety, life skills, medication, parenting, Research, social anxiety, stress management, therapy and treatment, toddlers
6 Ways Science Shows Nutrition Can Help Child Anxiety
Posted on March 6, 2013

Filed Under: ADHD, Child Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Child Phobias, Featured, OCD, Other Childhood Anxiety Disorders, Parenting Anxious Children, School Anxiety and School Refusal, Selective Mutism, Separation Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Uncategorized Tagged With: ADHD, adolescents and teens, child anxiety, depression, GAD, life skills, medication, nutrition, OCD, panic attacks, parenting, phobias, PTSD, Research, School, sleep and bedtime, social anxiety, stress management, therapy and treatment, toddlers
DSM-5 Danger: Your Anxious Child’s Tantrums May Now Be a Disorder
Posted on January 24, 2013

Filed Under: Child Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Featured, Other Childhood Anxiety Disorders, Parenting Anxious Children Tagged With: child anxiety, DSM, GAD, medication, parenting, separation anxiety, toddlers
DSM-5 Danger: What Happens to Your Anxious Child when ‘Normal’ Grief becomes Clinical Depression
Posted on January 10, 2013

Filed Under: Child Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Featured, Parenting Anxious Children Tagged With: adolescents and teens, child anxiety, depression, DSM, life skills, medication, parenting, stress management, therapy and treatment, toddlers
Teens, Social Anxiety, and Substance Abuse
Posted on October 3, 2012

Filed Under: Child Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Other Childhood Anxiety Disorders, Parenting Anxious Children, School Anxiety and School Refusal, Social Anxiety Tagged With: adolescents and teens, child anxiety, medication, parenting, social anxiety
Short-Term Side Effects of Anxiety Medication in Children
Posted on September 26, 2012

Filed Under: Child Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Parenting Anxious Children, Social Anxiety, Uncategorized Tagged With: child anxiety, medication, stress management, therapy and treatment