How to Help Your Anxious Child with Digital Addiction

If your anxious child has fallen victim to digital addiction, intervention may be wise. Check out tips for the recommended 72-hour digital detox.

Is Your Anxious Child Addicted to His iPad?

As with anything else that can create an obsession, compulsion and crowd out everything else in a person's life, anxious children can indeed become addicted to technology. Check out the warning signs.

How a Stressed-out Pregnancy Can Lead to Childhood Anxiety

Anxiety in children, and even adults!, has been linked to conditions as far back as the womb. Find out what they are and how to combat them.

How to Teach Anxious Children about ‘Stranger Danger’

Anxious children may already harbor anxiety and fear around strangers, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take the time to discuss the proverbial "stranger danger" and ways your child can stay safest.

How Praise and Labels Can Hurt Your Anxious Child

It's a parents prerogative to praise their anxious children or label them as "smart," and the children often very well deserve it. But how you dole out your praise and affix a label can play a big role in your child's later path to success. Read on for more.

Why an Anxious Child May be a Selfish Child

No one likes the child that never shares his toys or refuses to let others sit next to her. If your anxious child is that selfish child, check out some info that can help.

School Made Easier: An Strategy Guide for Your Anxious Child

The mere thought of going to school can start anxiety creeping into your anxious child's soul. Check out a new book that offers tips on alleviating anxiety and transforming school into a fun and educational place.

What Your Anxious Child’s Stomach Ache Could Really Mean

Your child's stomach ache may stem not from something he ate but from the anxiety he's feeling. Check out more info on the anxiety to pain link and what you can do to help.

How to Help Your Anxious Child Make Friends

New friends can be a scary prospect for your anxious child, but there are things you can do to help. Read on for more!

Home Schooling vs. Traditional School for Children with Anxiety and ADHD

Ever wonder if home schooling may be a much better fit for your child than the daily anxiety fest of heading off to the classroom? Here are some things to think about to help you make up your mind.