Never Drag Your Anxious Child into In-Law Disputes and Other In-Law Tips

Caring for an anxious child is one of those situations that can make everyone a sudden expert on raising a kid they are not even parenting. Your mother-in-law may offer 10 different ways to go about bedtime while your father-in-law might think it OK to watch scary movies. Your brother-in-law could go as far as finding it hilarious that your child’s fear of clowns makes her howl with terror when he dons a Bozo mask.

Rather than flying off the handle, or making your anxious child a central feature in any in-law dispute, Psychology Today offers several tips for keeping your in-law relations, and your marriage, on a more even keel.

In addition to keeping your anxious kid out of the middle of arguments and hassles, other suggestions tell us to:

  • Accept the in-laws are part of the family
  • Learn to adjust to their behaviors without surrendering to things in which you do not believe (i.e. scary movies and clown masks)
  • Beware of hurting feelings, especially unintentionally
  • Respect boundaries and differences
  • Learn to compromise when necessary

Read more details on each suggestion by checking out the article. And good luck!

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