
Innovative New Therapy Developed For Treating Children With Anxiety And Depression

Researchers at the University of Miami believe they have discovered an innovative new therapy for children who have been diagnosed with co-occurring anxiety disorder and depression. This group-based approach, called Emotional Detectives Treatment Protocol, or EDTP, was studied by their Department of Psychology and their findings were recently published in a study that could offer new hope for children with complex emotional issues.

The therapy is an adapted version of two treatments originally designed for adolescents and adults. Children in the study, aged between 7 and 12, learned through EDTP about their emotions and how to better manage them as well as problem solving techniques. It’s an education-based approach that also involves parent training and new ways for children to evaluate situations.

The study included 22 participants diagnosed with an anxiety disorder as well as depression. At the end of the 15 week study period, during which participants met for weekly EDTP group therapy, 18 of the 22 participants had completed the protocol and a further 14 no longer showed signs of an anxiety disorder. With the results showing such obvious efficacy for the approach, further studies will continue forward with randomized controlled trials comparing EDTP to another anxiety disorder treatment.

EDTP and other cutting-edge treatments for anxiety disorders and depression in children give parents hope that their children will live fuller, happier lives. As difficult as it is for any parent to watch their child suffer, they can take to heart that these disorders are treatable and that researchers are always working on new approaches making children’s lives better.

New Therapy Developed For Treating Anxiety In Children at RedOrbit
