Many teenagers are vulnerable to anxiety and depression. Physical and emotional changes can make it difficult for them to deal with setbacks and personal challenges.
These teens who do not know how to cope with their negative emotions may be more likely to try risky behaviors that can jeopardize their health and safety. This is why mental health workers are working to find unique solutions to teen anxiety and depression. While some therapies and other treatments may be effective for adults, sometimes a different approach is needed to suit the unique characteristic and challenges of young adulthood.
Group therapy is a form of treatment that allows people to share their experiences and feelings in a safe, nurturing environment with others who can understand them. For teenagers, to whom socializing is so important, having a network of people to talk to about their issues can be beneficial. It can also help them to realize that there are other people who are going through a similar experience, lessening the feelings of isolation or shame some teens feel when they struggle with a mental health condition they don’t understand.
A Canadian study recently found that providing young teens with therapy for a few hours at school could have good effects on them. The sessions helped the adolescents to experience better mental health over the next few years of their life.
If you want to know more about the group therapy sessions for teens, visit the link below for more information.
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