Breaking the Silence in Selective Mutism

As a parent, you know how important it is to communicate with your child. So what would you do if your son or daughter stopped speaking? For parents with a child who has selective mutism, answering this question is critical. Treatment by a healthcare specialist may be needed to restore the child to a healthy, well-adjusted state.

Selective Mutism: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Some adults don't understand why children will refuse to speak. In certain cases, this refusal is a sign of a condition that's known as Selective Mutism. Selective mutism may require professional treatment to prevent problems in your child's development. Read to get a better understanding of selective mutism in children.

How Anxiety Disorders Are Detected in Children

It's normal for children to be afraid of something, but having an anxiety disorder is much more serious. Anxiety disorders can cause very high levels of stress in children. This amount of stress during development is unhealthy and can affect a child for years to come. Read more to learn about how health experts check for anxiety problems in children.